Monday, August 18, 2008

DNC: It's on!

The Campaign 2008 staff welcomes all faculty and students participating in the Democratic National Convention seminar to Regis University. We're excited to meet and look forward to getting to know you all!

In coming weeks, we will use this blog to highlight student and faculty stories but for right now, we wanted to take this chance to highlight two Colorado College faculty who have appeared in the media recently. On Saturday, the Rocky Mountain News published a piece written by DNC seminar Faculty Director Tom Cronin discussing what he considers Barack Obama's four major tests in Denver. Cronin wrote that unifying the party and keeping its message simple will be important tasks. He also wrote that Obama will have to be careful to select the best possible vice presidential nominee.

Also on Saturday, Robert Loevy, a political science professor from Colorado College, was interviewed by Voice of America. The article offers some of Loevy's suggestions and advice to candidates and host cities on how to run a successful convention.