Monday, August 25, 2008

RNC: Welcome to Minneapolis-St. Paul!

Campaign 2008: The Republican National Convention seminar officially kicked off yesterday! Whether you came by bus, car, plane, train (bicycle anyone?), from across the pond, country or just from across town, you came with one goal in mind—to be a part of history and we are very excited to finally meet and work with you during this seminar.

Please be sure to check this blog regularly for ultimate coverage of the Campaign 2008 seminar. If you are a budding blogger and want to contribute posts about your experience as a program participant, please email and title your message “Campaign 2008 blog”.

During the next few days as the DNC takes center stage in Denver, CO, pundits are going to look increasingly towards the McCain camp for clues about his VP choice. It is going to be an exciting time to be here in Minneapolis-St. Paul, especially as Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty’s name gets tossed around the rumor circuits. For all of you political junkies, you will have plenty of opportunities to satisfy your hunger and get caught up in the convention waves that are sweeping the nation. Stay posted!