Sunday, August 24, 2008

DNC: You Look Mahvelous!

Hello, Campaign 2008ers! You look Mahvelous!

Sitting up here in our C2008 War Room at Regis' Student Center we just saw a bunch of you being asked by MSNBC's Chris Matthews live on Hardball about why you are in Denver. You all looked fabulous in your Washington Center lanyards! Congrats to those of you who were interviewed on air! The previous week of academic programming has obviously paid off.

This is just a reminder to all of you to be sure and wear those lanyards, especially if you are on TV. Those are going to be some pretty hot property here in coming days and it makes you look very "in the know!"

We saw many of you at the media party last night, too. Remember, if you have photos you'd like to share with the blog or with staff, send them to