Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC: A look back at the last 100 years

The Denver Post has a great, informative graphic about the last 100 years of the Democratic Party, in case you want a history lesson.

The last couple of days have been extremely exciting in and around the city. For those of you who missed it because you had fieldwork to complete, Bob Schieffer, the anchor of CBS' Face the Nation, visited Regis University this morning. He declined to pick a winner in the presidential race, saying he thinks that it's too close to call. But he did say that he thinks Hillary Clinton succeeded overwhelmingly in her speech attempting to bring unity to a party that was so sharply divided during the primaries. Schieffer also said that the future of journalism will remain in constant flux, adding that young reporters will have to continue to be on the leading edge of technology and always be flexible. If you missed the speech, be sure to check Regis University's Web page for streaming video soon!